Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tokyo Bananas and Honey Mustard

So time for another blog post of what I have been up to. I bought the other day so I am in the process of building it so you should check it out. Got home from work not too long ago and now I am listening to Pretty Light's most recent EP "Spilling Over Every Side" while I write this. Pretty chill EP and I def recommend checking it out. I personally like "Hot Like Dimes" and "Forever Lost."

Anyway, just some observations that I have made over the last couple of weeks.

Fun Fact #1: South Korean men love messenger bags.

I can safely say about 85% of the men working at Samsung use a messenger bag or a backpack. Most of the time though, its a messenger bag. I am not too sure what all is within said messenger umbrella maybe? I have realized of another phenomena. Younger Korean guys like to wear skinny jeans/pants. Maybe they can not fit anything in their pockets and need to put their wallets and keys in their messenger bags? Anyway, I carry my handy dandy GT sack pack to fit in with the locals. I only have an umbrella, a pen, and some keys in there...haha. I actually saw someone carrying a similar Starcraft II messenger bag over the weekend.
Apparently, there are computer cafes where you can rent a computer per hour to play Starcraft among other games. Yep...

Over the past weekend, I was planning on going into Seoul, but then it started raining and since tons of walking is required to do anything, I stayed around locally and postponed Seoul to this upcoming weekend. So on Saturday, I walked into Yeongtong city...and got lost for a couple of hours. It is pretty hard to know where you are when you can not read any Korean. I found this hole in the wall restaurant for some authentic Korean food for lunch. Luckily, the menu had pictures so I could just point and order.  I think I ordered a pork cutlet set (meal) or at least that's what it tasted like for about 5,000 won (~$4.50) And it was awesome. The set came with a whole bunch of traditional sides like soup, kimchi, salad, some unidentifiable vegetables, as well as 2 sushi rolls and 2 sashimi rolls, both were delicious. It was great to find some fresh made food, I will definitely be visiting this place again if I can find it.

I ventured out after lunch to find my way home and I came upon a store called Homeplus. Homeplus is not an ordinary store. It is a Walmart+Target+Costco on crack. 

This place is ridiculous. It has 6 floors plus 2 floors of parking and the first floor is a food court. The 2nd floor is literally a Farmer's Market condensed. It puts Sam's Club+Costco's free food samples on Saturday mornings to shame. However, the free samples consisted of some fried octopus tentacle. It was actually pretty good, just chewy and moist. It's a full Publix on one floor...redonkulous. The rest of the floors are dedicated to clothing, electronics, and other household items. Also, the shopping carts move sideways. I wasted about 3 hours of my day here. Well spent in my opinion. 2 hours later, I toured the city some more and made it back to my place after spotting the Samsung skyscrapers and walking in that general direction. All in all, pretty good Saturday. 

Co-worker returned from a business trip to China and Japan today. He brought back souvenirs, and by souvenirs, I mean food.

This is the infamous Tokyo Banana. Japan's version of a Twinkie with banana custard/cream inside. Apparently it is the #1 souvenir from Japan last year. Not gonna lie, it was pretty damn good.

Another weird thing I noticed is that every time baked/fried chicken is ordered or eaten, honey mustard is always there on the side. This is how concluded my next fun fact.

Fun Fact #2: Koreans love honey mustard.


  1. Nice. That HomePlus in Suwon is ginormous. You should check out the Hwaseong Fortress. You can't miss it. It looks like a mini-Great Wall of China in Suwon. It's the only historical thing of importance in the city. There's English on most of the historical buildings and the view is great from the walls of the fortress. It's a long walk as the fortress goes around the city but at least you have buses to get around.

    -Coach Pae

  2. I do love honey mustard ^^

    I would've preferred listening to "hot like dimes"...

    Haha, MURSES!!! only one of us from the LBAT group actually got one... I don't think i need to tell you how fobbed out he was...

    You should have taken a picture of that pork cutlet! I went to a popular place that was called "5won pork cutlet" lol straightup~

    And as for the octopus, you dip it in this chili sauce, which makes it taste 99x better!

    Never had a Tokyo Banana before, but if and when you do go to Japan, bring me some!!

  3. Geeze Joel!! It seems like all play and no work? Homeplus just seems like a huge mall. Nice website btw! Simple and clean!
