Sunday, September 5, 2010

One Week In...

I am pretty late on posting this, but I promise I will update this more often. A little background on why I am in South Korea. I accepted an internship for the fall at Samsung Electronics at their R&D facility known as Samsung Digital City in Suwon-si, South Korea.
I work in the dark tall building on the right. We call it R4, no one seems to know where the name originated though.
I am keeping a blog on my experiences here in South Korea. I do not know any Korean and I have never traveled to South Korea before so it will be an exciting couple of months. I know the title says Seoul and I am living about 30 minutes south of Seoul in Suwon, but I liked the fact that it rhymes with my name and I will be visiting Seoul among many other places in the next couple of months so the title will remain unchanged. I am working in the Intelligent Inspection Group of the Innovative Equipment Technology Research Team (fancy right?) within Samsung Electronics. Basically, our team supports all of Samsung Electronics' divisions (Mobile Devices, Digital Displays, Semiconductors, Computers etc.) Specifically, I will be working on a project for the Digital Displays division, mainly LCD and LED displays. That's all I can say about my work as security is super duper strict and I can not stress that enough. I pass through about 4 airport security style checkpoints walking from my dorm to my office. They have special paper that sets off an alarm if you try to leave the company campus with it, so I can't exactly print off map directions at work and leave the campus. Security is some serious business. I am living in the dorms on company property and all the meals are free, so it's a pretty sweet deal. When I say dorm, think of a freshman dorm: 2 double beds, closet, and a bathroom with a shower. It's not the best, but I'm not complaining. I'll toss up some pictures later today of what I've seen so far.


  1. Meet the natives!! I know you're working on it so I'll leave that be... for now, but I'm glad you like it so far^^

    My dad said he hated every single trip over to samsung because of the security haha

    Get some action shots with you in it! (preferably advertising the peace sign~)

    Look forward to your next blog 죨 in 서울!

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