Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The kneebone of cattle...

Today was the farewell dinner for some of the interns from the summer that are leaving this Friday. We decided to go to Yeongtong which is on the east side of Suwon. It is a pretty lively district and a lot of Samsung employees live in apartments here because it is only about 1 Km away from work. Also, there is a pretty good bar/club scene here.
We went to Viking seafood restaurant...and it was glorious. 
The main feature was the huge variety of sushi, which I absolutely loved. The sushi rolls were more complex than what I have experienced in the States. There was also a western food line and traditional Korean food line. It was pretty much a Korean Golden Corral, except classier and they had free self serve beer on tap. The wine selection was one of the best I have seen so far at a Korean restaurant. 

Some Korean food I tried that was a bit out of the ordinary: shark fin and kneebone of cattle. Shark fin was a bit chewy, but didn't really taste like anything because the seasoning really drowned out any natural taste. The kneebone was pretty much a soup with cartilage floating around in it, the soup part didn't taste that bad but I am not a big fan of the cartilage. The kneebone seemed a bit bland, I should have eaten it with some rice or kimchi haha. After all that I moved back to the sushi island as it was the most appealing to me. For about 15 bucks for dinner buffet including beer, it was well worth it.
shark fin
 kneebone of cattle

Afterwards, we walked around and went to a bowling alley. AMF exists here except the bowling alley is a lot smaller. After bowling the two losers in our group (not I) had to pay for billiards. We probably walked into 5 or 6 billiards shops...except they didn't have American pool there. The popular game to play here is called Carom billiards or French billiards, which is what most of the shops catered to. If you don't know what Carom billiards is then check out this
Wiki entry. Anyway, we found a place to play and it was a very chill time. Out of about 12 tables there, only one was American pool while everything else was French pool. We played for an hour or so then we hit the bars for a bit for a proper farewell.

So now I must go to sleep and I will leave you all with my first Korean picture taken at Viking restaurant. Enjoy!

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